Zeitenwende für die Innenstadt

A publication summing up the results of the forum "Zeitwende für die Innenstadt" by RP Forum, an alliance of architects, urban planners, project developers and property experts, under the leadership of Pia Kempner, to develop viable solutions for a people-friendly, climate-friendly neighbourhood in Düsseldorf.

Extreme weather events not only affect the quality of life of city dwellers, but also pose a threat to infrastructure.

It is important to take urban planning measures to counteract the effects of climate change and create a sustainable and liveable environment. The question is: How can city centre districts be designed to be sustainably liveable in times of climate change so that an effective contribution can be made to achieving climate protection targets?

“The transformation of our cities into urban landscapes is a climatic and social challenge.” (Andreas Kipar)

Under the leadership of Pia Kemper, an alliance of architects, urban planners, project developers and property experts has formed at the RP Forum “Zeitenwende für die Innenstadt” (Turning Point for the City Centre) to develop viable solutions for a people-friendly, climate-friendly neighbourhood in Düsseldorf. LAND with Andreas Kipar is part of the initiative. For him, the turning point for the city centre is just the beginning of a new narrative: “Together with public-private open spaces, housing will regain its central importance for life in the city as a whole,” the landscape architect is sure and calls for a paradigm shift in the way we deal with our built environment. Düsseldorf is setting a good example here.

The whole publication is available online. Here you can find Andreas Kipar’s article on how Düsseldorf can become an Urban Landscape.

Read the PDF (External Link)
Coloured drawing with Düsseldorf skyline and green and lemon trees

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A publication summing up the results of the forum "Zeitwende für die Innenstadt" by RP Forum, an alliance of architects, urban planners, project developers and property experts, under the leadership of Pia Kempner, to develop viable solutions for a people-friendly, climate-friendly neighbourhood in Düsseldorf.